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Our philosophy









The ingredients of  the world to play with.

When we reveal a new element from the source, we call it “Great discovery”.

When we look at an existing element from new angle, we call it "Great Design".

When we combine some elements together well, we call it “Great invention”.

When we have more and more aspects on source, we call it “Diversity”.



Any new discovery, new innovation, new theories etc, are in fact, always existed among us as a various forms of element.


CoAT. believes this element is the ingredients of absolutely everything shaping our world.


We call this, “The Source”. 

Fundamental Source


Secondary Source

There are two types of the source.


  1. Fundamental source

  2. Secondary source


The fundamental source is the master elements that creates the foundation of our world. We basically live on top of that and these are so seamless that we usually forget the beauty of it.


Like In science, we found the elementary particles like quarks, leptons, gauge boson, and recent discovery, Higgs boson. They are always with us whether or not we notice, but very vital for our world to keep existing.


On the other hand, the secondary source, is some application we made based on the fundamental source. Like civilisation, politics, technology, wisdom etc. They are also deeply related to shape our world.


Taking a frying pan for example, the fundamental source is the iron and its law of physics (thermal dynamics). The secondary source is the knowledge of cooking and ergonomic design to handle it comfortably without burn yourself. Something came from our brain.

Obviously you cannot change the material and shape of the frying pan nor law of physics, but you can apply different ways of use. Which means you cannot change, destroy or create  the fundamental source but the secondary source is based on our creativity which you can full.


Therefore, the fundamental source is only be discovered, not altered, destroyed nor created. Secondary source is made from human creation based on fundamental source.

We essentially have everything and the “Source” is always waiting us to be touched. 



We are all born Creator

Have you ever wondered why we keep on creating stuffs? What’s the meaning and reasons to it? or why are we even capable to create?


To be honest, we absolutely have no clear answer to it.


But one thing for sure for us is, only human is succeeded to keep and build up their knowledge and creations in a very long period of time. And we yet to see other species doing as vivid as we do. (At least in this solar system (Sol) ) 

intercommunication is the key.

We believe healthy and harmonious relationship between each existences is one of the keys to step closer to the future we want. 


The relationship, we think, is established by a bidirectional communication, which we call this "authentic intercommunication". 

Applying this concept on every aspects in our life and world, we believe each of us 
would have an impact and bring ourselves a great wisdom upon the world we live today

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